Advanced EMDR Therapy Training

Master Trainer Deany Laliotis

Advanced EMDR Therapy Training with Deany Laliotis

The Center for Excellence in EMDR Therapy

Advanced trainings are available for clinicians who have completed a basic training aoproved by the EMDR International Association . In the basic training, we learn to assess the client utilizing an information processing framework. In addition, we learn the fundamentals of memory reprocessing and have opportunities to practice using this procedure with our training colleagues. This is often an adequate introduction for clinicians working with higher functioning clients who have experienced a single traumatic incident.

However, many clinicians are working with developmental and more complex trauma. They discover that the simple methods and procedures they learned in the basic training are not adequate in working with these cases.

Several 2-day Advanced EMDR trainings are advertised by a number of providers. While the additional techniques and procedures taught by these different instructors might be useful in working with some complex cases, these trainings are compressed and not integrated with one another. Advanced EMDR training has been a piecemeal process, poorly defined and inadequately coordinated.

Other experiential trauma therapies such as Somatic Experiencing, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy offer a continuum of training over 2-3 years which lead to greater expertise in understanding and applying the knowledge and skills of the particular approach.

The Center for Excellence in EMDR Therapy is the only EMDR therapy training program which offers a continuum of training. The mission of The Center is to provide comprehensive training in order to help heal trauma world-wide.

The training continuum offered includes basic EMDR training, Intermediate training, several Advanced trainings, and Master-level training retreats. Please contact us for more information on our training program.